Mature couple learning about hearing loss together

Identify hearing loss and learn the importance of managing it.

What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is the inability to hear certain sounds in one or both ears. Many individuals who have hearing loss can hear but they lack clarity to understand spoken language. The most common cause of hearing loss is age, but other factors can also lead to a decline in hearing ability, including:

  • Genetics
  • Loud noise exposure
  • Head/ear injury
  • Ototoxic medications
  • Underlying health conditions

Our sense of hearing is necessary for effective communication, strong relationships, and good cognitive health. It’s important to manage hearing loss at the first signs so it does not affect other parts of your health. Hearing aids are a great management tool as they can help you hear significantly better.

Mature couple riding bikes
mature couple kicking leaves

Signs of Hearing Loss

Most cases of hearing loss occur gradually, over the course of a few years. For this reason, it can be difficult to notice the signs right away. A clear indicator you should have your hearing checked is if a friend or family member has suggested it.
Common signs of hearing loss include:
  • Sounds seem muffled or unclear
  • It seems like people mumble
  • You can hear but you lack clarity
  • It’s difficult to hear when there is background noise
  • You need the volume turned up louder than others like
  • You frequently ask others to repeat themselves
  • You hear a ringing in your ears

Benefits of Managing Hearing Loss

When left untreated, hearing loss can negatively affect your health and mental well-being. Our sense of hearing is deeply connected to our overall health and brain function. Untreated hearing loss can cause you to withdraw from social situations which can lead to depression, fatigue, loneliness, anxiety, and sometimes cognitive decline. It’s best to manage the signs of hearing loss as soon as possible to prevent these effects from happening.

Studies have shown that older individuals who manage their hearing loss with hearing aids live longer, have better cognition, and better balance. If you have hearing loss, don’t let it go untreated! We can help you experience the best health possible.


If you have ever heard a humming, roaring, ringing, or other sound in your ears when no external sounds are present, you may have tinnitus. Tinnitus is common, affecting millions of Americans. The symptoms of tinnitus can vary in sound, pitch, volume, and frequency. Almost everyone experiences tinnitus at some point, and it will typically dissipate after a day. However, if you deal with constant, loud tinnitus that is not going away, then you should contact us for a tinnitus test.

At Hear KY, we can evaluate your hearing and help you find a management plan for tinnitus. While there is no one tinnitus treatment that will cure your symptoms, we do have options for relief.
Woman experiencing tinnitus
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